
Server configuration and optimization. You will also find here tutorials and fixes on certain errors we’ve personally found!

Using the local DNS Server

Web hosting servers

Using the local DNS Server I’m not sure if you know, but your ISP DNS servers usually take around 24-72 hours to clear their DNS cache, in which time, if you made changes to your domain name, you will have to wait for your ISP to clear their cache before you can see the changes

Name-based Virtual Host configuration on apache

Apache web server

Virtual host configuration on apache I’ve been seeing a lot of clients that are having some issues creating a virtual host configuration on apache or nginx or any other web server (usually apache). In this article I’m going to show you a quick and easy way how to create a virtual host configuration (vhost for

Reverse cache proxy using squid proxy

Reverse cache proxy using squid proxy If you came here looking for a reverse cache proxy, then you probably already heard of squid proxy. As it name is, this is entirely designed as a proxy, however this does not mean it can’t be used as a reverse proxy or frontend proxy. Reverse proxy is a

How to create SPF records for your domain

How to create SPF records for emails Email reliability is something every user, every business owner wants to have. But what they don’t know is what can they do to have a reliable send policy. Here is where the SPF (sender policy framework) records come in. A SPF record is a type of DNS record

How to check your network bandwidth usage on linux

main iptraf window

How to check your network bandwidth usage on linux Today I’m going to write about network bandwidth usage. For network provider like ISPs or datacenters, network bandwidth usage is one of the things you need to keep track from time to time. I’m saying this because while this is fairly cheap now days, if an

Network sniffer with tcpdump – example commands

Network sniffer

Network sniffer with tcpdump – example commands The other day while I was inspecting my network traffic usage, I noticed a slitght increase in the incoming traffic. At first I really thought someone was just uploading something on the server using php or FTP, haven’t really put much thought since the increase it was just

How to block and unblock IP addresses using iptables

Firewall support

How to block and unblock IP addresses using iptables Right, so straight out, how do you block and unblock IP addresses on a server? Beginner stumble on this a lot of times, they believe that using a GUI for managing their server is much better and safer (in a way I do agree, most control panels

How to fix eth0 network interface on centos, redhat clone VM

Web hosting servers

How to fix eth0 network interface on centos, redhat clone VM I recentely finished my master degree and I’ve used some virtualization of centos and had to clone two of the virtual machines (VM). The issue I encountered was that the eth0 network interface was not present, I found it quite strange at first, then

Website speed test and website performance review

First byte time

Website speed test and website performance review Everyone knows about the famous tester, if not, do check it out! So what of it? Well similar to how you test your internet connection speed, you can check your websites page speed and receive a report based on on each online tool features that are provided.

Installing mod_security and mod_evasive on Debian

Web hosting servers

Installing mod_security and mod_evasive on Debian In this article I’m going to show you how to install mod_security for web scanning and mod_evasive for dos protection. First thing you need to have a Webserver like apache installed and also with mod_headers enabled:

After you are done installing the Webserver we can begin and install

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