
Server configuration and optimization. You will also find here tutorials and fixes on certain errors we’ve personally found!

MaxCDN API and CDN platform

A few months ago I started looking for a reliable CDN provider that would allow me to reduce some of my websites load time. While I tested multiple CDN providers, I was left with MaxCDN or Cloudflare, the later would have been the free version. Both of them are really good, I thought I could

Speed website by adding browser cache

Web hosting servers

There are some easy things that you can do to speed up a website by making use of the browser cache. Using the browser cache you can also reduce the load on your web server. Normally the modules that we would use are mod_expires and mod_headers which are normally installed by default and just need

Speed check when ICMP packets are disabled, hping3

Today I’m going to show you a simple way to check your speed to a location where ICMP packets are disabled or filtered. The process in this test is to use the ping command but to a different port and protocol, port 80 and using syn packets. I’m currently testing this from Ubuntu x64 LTS,

How to fix nginx logrotate error

How to fix nginx logrotate error Today I’m going to show you simply how to fix nginx logrotate error, error which I cam across recently while checking my VPS settings and emails. I know its been a long since my last article, but do believe me I’ve been so busy that I forgot about me entirely. In

Install memcached php extension CentOS 5 and 6

Install memcached php extension Ok, I recently explained how to install memcached on Centos 5 and 6, now we need to install the memcached php extension to use it in your php web applications. There are two ways to do this, using Pecl or manually compiling it. I’ll explain both ways here and I’ll start

Install memcached on CentOS 5 and 6

Install memcached on CentOS 5 and 6 Yesterday I had to install memcached on a VPS server for a client which, what he said, was especially needed for his application. For those who don’t know, memcached is a high performance distributed memory object caching system, like its name, it is using your ram memory, speeding up dinamic

Increasing squid cache directory size

Increasing squid cache directory size The past weeks I had to set a reverse proxy using squid. For those who don’t know, squid is a web proxy, but can be used as a reverse proxy and web accelerator. So in my cases I used squid as both a reverse proxy and web accelerator. In this

How to install a ssl certificate on nginx

How to install a ssl certificate on nginx This is really a hassle when using nginx with https and your certificates uses bundle CA files (certificate authority). The only directives that you’re given when installing the certificate is:

So as you can see, you only have those two directives, but nowadays certificates are soled

How to fix the internal server error 500 or blank page

Internal server error 500

How to fix the internal server error 500 or blank page First of all, what are these internal server errors or 500 errors? When you encounter this error, you should know that it doesn’t say exactly what is happening, it’s only saying that the server encountered an internal error and failed to return an result.

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