This is our main category for all our tutorial based articles. You can find almost anything from server configuration to website optimization.
How to install node.js on Debian and CentOS linux
How to install node.js on Debian and CentOS What is node.js? From their website, node.js is a platform built on Google Chrome JavaScript runtime for building fast and scalable network application. I did however seen lots of users still thinking they can install this on a shared hosting service, and here I am confirming that
Remote mysql connection using cPanel and VPS server
What is a remote mysql connection? Have you ever thought that you could use the web server in one place and the mysql server in a different place? It is possible, this is usually done to split the server resources, so that your database server is used separately than your other web server. Normally mysql
Add your email account to Gmail
Add your email account to Gmail I received a couple of requests recently from some clients to help them add their own email account to their gmail.com account for easy access. This ease up the need to check their email account in different location. Although personally I do not recommend linking your email accounts together in
Install mysql server 5.5 on Debian and CentOS 5 and CentOS 6
Install mysql server 5.5 on linux Mysql is the most broadly used database management system on the internet, I’m not entirely sure an exact percent usage, but I’m pretty sure it is the most used one. Compared to previous versions, mysql 5.5 has better multi-core scalability, better IO for Inodb, default storage has now been set
Install flvtool2, mediainfo and neroAacEnc on centos x86_64
Install flvtool2, mediainfo and neroAacEnc on centos x86_64 A client has requested a few days ago to have the binaries flvtool2, mediainfo and neroAacEnc installed on his dedicated server, well the first two of them were easy to install since these support centos x86_64 by default, and since the dedicated server has lots of ram there,
How to install APF Firewall and DDoS Deflate protection
About APF firewall APF Firewall stands for Advance Policy Firewall, exactly as it name, it is script that contains a certain set of firewall rules. These rules are all being saved inside the folder /etc/apf/ directory and can be changed using any editor. This script is one of the best firewall scripts that I’ve used