
This is our main category for all our tutorial based articles. You can find almost anything from server configuration to website optimization.

How to install SHOUTcast Server

shoutcast server radio

How to install SHOUTcast Server I recently got a client seeking to install shoutcast server  on his VPS server, normally we don’t install services other the default ones preinstalledinstalled/needed for any web server. However the specific client was looking for hosting his own shoutcast server for his little radio station and it seems that he

Limit wget download speed

wget download

Limit wget download speed wget, formally named geturl, is one of the most used command for downloading content on the internet within servers. I namely use it when downloading large amount of files that requires to have a lot of time until it finish. In such cases, wget can be used in a screen and

How to install Red5 Media Server on Ubuntu / Debian

red5 logo

How to install Red5 Media Server on Ubuntu or Debian Red5 Media Server is a powerful video streaming solution standing its own ground to the big giant Adobe with their own Adobe Media Server, however compared to them, Red5 is free, based on Java and other open source frameworks. It provides a good solution to

Linux ftp command tutorial

ftp connection

Linux ftp command tutorial Today I will go through a series of FTP commands from a linux command line, I will show you really simple how to use this without using a 3rd party software like FileZilla for instance. Don’t get me wrong, I recommend Filezilla at any time, but for those who want to

Fix printing offset Brother printer ubuntu

print logo

Fix printing offset Brother printer Ubuntu Today will be a short and easy fix on how to fix the printing offset of a printer (in my case was Brother brand) when the result printed will be offset by a few millimeters to the left or to another direction (top offset, bottom offset or right offset

Install nginx with PHP-FPM and mysql server 5.5

nginx and php-fpm

Install nginx with PHP-FPM and mysql server 5.5 In my earlier tutorials I showed you how to install PHP-FPM with fastcgi and apache web server on ubuntu or debian operating system. This time I thought of doing a tutorial in a similar manner, but a different web server, with Nginx. As all of you know,

The best file manager for Android

google play

The best file manager for Android With current time’s smartphones the majority of them are using Android or IOS, I myself am using Android 4.1.2 on my SGS2. I know it is currently an old phone but it still does its job well. Anyway, Android gives you the option to view all your files without

Create virtualbox snapshot tutorial

Virtualbox logo

Create virtualbox snapshot tutorial Since I’ve been creating a lot of server configuration tutorials its really hard for me to always create myself a virtualbox or virtual machine to test and properly create the tutorial for you readers to have a proper test case tutorial. As such, virtualbox snapshots option comes in to help me

Install phpmyadmin mcrypt error

phpmyadmin logo

About phpmyadmin A little bit of phpmyadmin, this is an open source php script designed specifically to manage Mysql server over the web. It is also supporting MariaDB or Drizzle database server and has a wide range of operation that can be done directly from the web. It provides support for: browse and drop databases, tables,

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