Site optimization

Site optimization is all about making your site work fast! And I mean really fast. This entirely blog has been tested to get the most of it across the entire world so that global visits would have all a proper / fast speed to our site.

Load javascript files asynchronously

Cloudflare CDN

As I have already gotten you used to, today I came back with a new tip to speed up your website when using a lot of inline or external JavaScript files on your website. As you know the browser will try to download each resources in the exact same order they were written, but what

Incapsula CDN network

Incapsula Service

Incapsula CDN network As you probably have noticed, I’m doing some bit of articles on website optimization and tips for speeding your website. All these are really based on my tests using this website. I wrote before an article on which is the best cdn network available at this time, well there is one more

The best CDN network

CDN network

The best CDN network The day before yesterday I tested 3 major CDN networks to see how all these handle the traffic on my website and as well as optimizing my website to load it faster. I then came with the conclusion that not all CDN networks are best for all websites, it really depends

Is website speed important for my visitors?

Google crawler time downloading a page

Is website speed important for my visitors? A lot of people are working hard, very hard in fact to promote their website by posting comments, replying on forums, or maybe guest posting on other website blogs, but they don’t know something really really important. I realized a few weeks ago when I fixed my cache

How to increase joomla slow speed using browser cache


How to increase Joomla slow speed using the browser cache As the name implies, I’m going to show you a nice way to increase joomla slow speed by adding browser cache to your website. I already said in my other articles, mainly how to fix prestashop slow load, by making use of the user browser

Reduce bounce rate in Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Reduce bounce rate in Google Analytics For those who do not know yet, the bounce rate is a term used in web traffic analysis and it refers to users to enter your site and then “bounce” ( or leave the site). Bounce happens when a user is usually visiting only a single page and and then

Slow load in prestashop


Slow load in prestashop This is my second article I’m writing about this Ecommerce script, the old article was specifically written for prestashop slow speed in version 1.5 that just launched, but I’ve seen that a lot of users are accessing the old link and still having issues. Why am I doing this? I figured

Preload not working in wp-super-cache

Preload not working in wp-super-cache I was working a few days back when I fixed my cached plugin and I mentioned the option from wp-super-cache that I noticed (yeah, just then noticed), called preload. What it actually does it generates a cached page for each of your posts, categories, tags etc.  This can come in handy for

Website speed test and website performance review

First byte time

Website speed test and website performance review Everyone knows about the famous tester, if not, do check it out! So what of it? Well similar to how you test your internet connection speed, you can check your websites page speed and receive a report based on on each online tool features that are provided.

How to fix wp-super-cache 0 Cached Pages

How to fix wp-super-cache 0 cached pages issue Today I stumble upon an issue which I was seeing for some time now, I had no idea why on each browser request it will always need to wait for almost a second on a normal “cached” (at the time thought it was cached) static page. Later

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