Site optimization

Site optimization is all about making your site work fast! And I mean really fast. This entirely blog has been tested to get the most of it across the entire world so that global visits would have all a proper / fast speed to our site.

MaxCDN API and CDN platform

A few months ago I started looking for a reliable CDN provider that would allow me to reduce some of my websites load time. While I tested multiple CDN providers, I was left with MaxCDN or Cloudflare, the later would have been the free version. Both of them are really good, I thought I could

Speed website by adding browser cache

Web hosting servers

There are some easy things that you can do to speed up a website by making use of the browser cache. Using the browser cache you can also reduce the load on your web server. Normally the modules that we would use are mod_expires and mod_headers which are normally installed by default and just need

How to increase website speed in a slow Joomla site

Learn how to install Joomla 3.0

How to increase website speed in a slow Joomla site Recently I had to work overtime for a client which had some issues with speed on a normal shared account. My first thought would be to obviously check what he has installed. My really first impression was ‘WOW, that’s a lot …’. Even though he’s

Slow speed in prestashop 1.5

Slow speed in prestashop 1.5 I have some clients that are using Prestashop as their E-commerce script. While I agree with most users out there that this is a great script, if you want to run it in a shared environment, this script is behaving like nothing I’ve seen, it has really slow speed in

How to clear your browser cookies and cache

Top browsers on the internet

How to clear your browser cookies and cache There are times when you need to make changes to your site settings, design or just change the elements through your entire website. Your hosting provide may or may not enforce browser caching on the most used resources like images, text files, xml files, pdf files etc.,

How to view the history in Internet Explorer

Top browsers on the internet

How to view the history in Internet Explorer Everyone that uses windows should know or at least heard about the browser Internet Explorer, currently the latest version is Internet Explorer 9. In this article I’m going to let you know how to view the history in windows Internet Explorer of your visited sites in each software

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