JS / jQuery
jQuery is a small and fast library used by a lot of developers for making their frontend more dynamic and playful and at the same time making its functionality much user friendly.
Drag and drop on mobile devices
Drag and drop on mobile devices I had a problem in the past with a draggable and droppable calendar with jQuery and ajax. When you add drag and drop to a web page using JavaScript, such as jQuery UI draggable and droppable, you obtain a problem. The dragging and dropping are intercepted by the phone
6 free mobile device emulators for testing your app
6 free mobile device emulators for testing your app If you made at least one website that was responsive, you certainly know how important these tools are. Here is a list with helpful websites in which I tested my apps during and after development. This is NOT a top, just a list. 1) Responsinator Responsinator
jQuery effects tutorial
jQuery effects tutorial In this tutorial we will talk about jquery effects. For building interactive web applications you need to be able to show, hide, animate elements on your page. For this, jquery comes with a great set of methods for easing your work. This tutorial covers all the important jQuery methods to create visual effects.
jQuery ajax tutorial example
jQuery ajax tutorial example This is probably the most interesting and yet complicated thing from our tutorial series. This is the magic that modern websites are using in order to update in real time their content, database, etc. What is AJAX ? Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. From Wikipedia, it is a group of interrelated web development techniques used on
jQuery events handling
jQuery events handling Here we are with our next tutorial about events handling in jQuery. We arrived pretty far. By now you should know how to select elements from the DOM, use them further from traversing and all kinds of manipulations. What are events? Events are actions that can be detected by your Web Application
jQuery DOM manipulation methods
jQuery DOM manipulation methods In today’s tutorial we will learn how to manipulate DOM elements. We can add elements one after another, replace one element with another one, get properties such as width or height or remove completely elements from the DOM. A few of these methods — such as .attr(), .html(), and .val() — also act as “getters”,
jQuery css methods
The jQuery library supports almost all of the selectors included in CSS 1, 2 and 3. When using jQuery, the developers can built websites without carring too much about the browser, because jQuery supports also older versions of Internet Explorer (Be careful, because jQuery 2.0 doesn’t support anymore IE 6, 7 or 8. This can
jQuery DOM Traversing
jQuery DOM Traversing Once you have made an initial selection with jQuery as we learned in the past tutorial about jquery selectors, you can traverse deeper into what was just selected. In order to master the DOM traversal you have to be familiar with three basic parts: parents, children, and siblings. jQuery has lots of
How to install modules using NPM (Node Packaged Modules)
About NPM In my earlier tutorials I’ve shown you how you can install node.js on a CentOS or Debian operating system, the process is almost the same on all distribution, you just need to use the proper repository and use the linux package installer to install node.js and / or npm. In this article however,
jQuery DOM Attributes tutorial
jQuery DOM Attributes In the previous chapters we talked about jquery selectors and we learned that they are coming from css world. We selected elements that were available in the DOM that can be manipulated in all kinds of ways. In this tutorial we will go further and we will talk about DOM attributes. We can manipulate