
Some little pieces of code that will help you solve your problems faster.

How to sort a multidimensional array based on key?


How to sort a multidimensional array based on key? First of all, let’s give credit to the person who wrote this function. The problem ? Let’s say you have a multidimensional array and you want to sort based on a key that is not on the first level of the array, how would you do

How to detect a page refresh with PHP?


How to detect a page refresh with PHP? Sometimes you want to detect if the page was refreshed using “F5” key, or right click and “Reload” or any other method available. Either way, this can be detected somehow from server side. In this snippet, I will show you how to do this with PHP. Method

Symfony mapped entities error while generating getters and setters


Symfony mapped entities error while generating getters and setters If you ever used Symfony php framework, and you wanted to generate through command line the setters and getters for your entity after you defined everything in your entities files, and you got an error like this:

you probably want to know the solution of

The controller for URI is not callable in symfony


The controller for URI is not callable in symfony This is a very common error for symfony starters, and it happened to me also when I first tried the framework, so you have to follow two steps in order to debug this: First check First step is to make sure that your controller is actually

How to redirect URL in Javascript or jQuery


How to redirect URL in Javascript or jQuery I will present some ways to redirect the user to another page from the client side using only plain javascript. 1) Using window.location.href you obtain a similar behavior  as an HTTP redirect

2) Using window.location.replace

window.location.href VS window.location.replace It is better than using window.location.href, because replace() does not put

Change value of selectbox in Zurb Foundation via JavaScript


Change value of selectbox in Zurb Foundation via JavaScript Some of us tried to change or will have to change via javascript a select-box that is generated from the custom forms of Zurb Foundation  framework. You noticed or you will notice that it is not as simple as changing a default html select-box. Why ?

How to invoke dynamically a class method in PHP?


How to invoke dynamically a class method in PHP? Today will talk about calling a method from inside class, however you are in the situation of calling a method dynamically in a loop, for each element of an array. To do this we will make use of a php function called call_user_func.Using this function, you

Remove html tags and malicious content in php


Remove html tags and malicious content in php Let’s say you have some data that are coming from the client side (a form submit, an ajax call, etc) and you want to be sure that you are not inserting in the database malformed data with html tags or other stuff. In the end you would need

How to save image from URL using PHP


How to save image from URL using PHP You have an image in a URL, something like ““, and you want to save that image in your computer, but you want to obtain that directly from PHP. You can use 2 methods for this, one is using CURL and one using fopen directly. First method

How to calculate age from a given birthdate in php


How to calculate age from a given birthdate in php? Has anyone needed to get the user age based on the profile birthdate? Well you probably thought about it now. It is possible to this and its user friendly to let someone know how old they are. Of course some of you may not want

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