
Wordpress and Blogging tutorials I’ve come across that helped me to grow this website in what you see it now.

Top wordpress plugins that you must use

Top wordpress plugins that you must use As the name implies, there are certain plugins that you *must* install on any wordpress websites, and I say this as these will help you on the long run. These are my top wordpress plugins that I’m currently using and have been using for more then a year

Reduce bounce rate in Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Reduce bounce rate in Google Analytics For those who do not know yet, the bounce rate is a term used in web traffic analysis and it refers to users to enter your site and then “bounce” ( or leave the site). Bounce happens when a user is usually visiting only a single page and and then

How to update wordpress robots.txt

How to update wordpress robots.txt Using Google Webmaster Tools or Bing Webmaster Tools you can check if the google bot is able to read your website or if it is disallowed. For some reasons I was having issues with my site a few days ago where my sitemap was not loaded properly by the crawler,

How to start your own blog

How to start your own blog I’ve been writing for some time now, with breaks between work and university stuff, but since I finished my master degree now I’ve been focusing more on my little blog here. Today I’m going to write about how you can start your own blog in just a matter of

How to easily change your wordpress url

How to easily change your wordpress url I’ve seen a bunch of requests recently on how to change your wordpress url to a new url, probably by changing the domain or moving to a different subfolder. This information is documented on wordpress codex website. It is always there and will be for as long as

Preload not working in wp-super-cache

Preload not working in wp-super-cache I was working a few days back when I fixed my cached plugin and I mentioned the option from wp-super-cache that I noticed (yeah, just then noticed), called preload. What it actually does it generates a cached page for each of your posts, categories, tags etc.  This can come in handy for

How to fix wp-super-cache 0 Cached Pages

How to fix wp-super-cache 0 cached pages issue Today I stumble upon an issue which I was seeing for some time now, I had no idea why on each browser request it will always need to wait for almost a second on a normal “cached” (at the time thought it was cached) static page. Later

WordPress new media manager

The wordpress new media manager in wordpress Today, 12 December 2012, wordpress has lunched a new update to version 3.5 titled after jazz drummer Elvin Jones. It includes a lot of new fixes and also a new, more good looking media manager. I’m still playing around with it, but looks much much more better and and feels

How to fix the 404 errors in wordpress

Learn how to fix the 404 errors in wordpress

How to fix the 404 errors in wordpress When moving website to one server to another, or reverting back from a backup, it will happen for you to encounter 404 errors due the the fact that the .htaccess file is missing, the one that contains the rewrite rules for your permalinks settings. So how to

How to choose a hosting service for wordpress

How to choose a hosting service for wordpress Not long ago I was in the position to optimize and also manage a server for a high traffic website running wordpress. Now all of you who knows what wordpress is, knows that it is in the top blogging scripts, if not the best one.However it comes

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