Tag Archives: wp-super-cache

Top wordpress plugins that you must use

Top wordpress plugins that you must use As the name implies, there are certain plugins that you *must* install on any wordpress websites, and I say this as these will help you on the long run. These are my top wordpress plugins that I’m currently using and have been using for more then a year

Preload not working in wp-super-cache

Preload not working in wp-super-cache I was working a few days back when I fixed my cached plugin and I mentioned the option from wp-super-cache that I noticed (yeah, just then noticed), called preload. What it actually does it generates a cached page for each of your posts, categories, tags etc.  This can come in handy for

How to fix wp-super-cache 0 Cached Pages

How to fix wp-super-cache 0 cached pages issue Today I stumble upon an issue which I was seeing for some time now, I had no idea why on each browser request it will always need to wait for almost a second on a normal “cached” (at the time thought it was cached) static page. Later

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