WordPress theme fully responsive

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WordPress theme fully responsive

Well this is really a nice new surprise from the guys from WordPress, before Christmas came, we now have some new fancy design for our default theme in the admin section as well as a new frontend theme. It seems like they wanted to go full responsive, I’m also currently writing from my phone and I can say it looks realy nice. Control and feel is cool, makes me thinking of getting rid of the wordpress app completely and just use the normal mobile browser.

So far all my plugins work ok, I was a bit reluctant to update as last time they had some serious issues with their update, but looks like its all good this time.

Here is a screenshot of the admin section:

wp admin responsive

WP-admin responsive

They also sent us a brand new default theme, the Twentyfour theme:

Frontend twentyfour responsive theme

Frontend twentyfour responsive theme

I have had some serious issues with the editor before updating, although it may just be the browser, but it would seem that now its fully working as expected.

Anyway, happy blogging and enjoy the new theme, I know I will … 🙂

PS: I also updated the background on my website, I hope you guys like it and enjoy it, as well as hopping its not annoying for reading what you’re looking for.


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