PHP Snippets

PHP snippets that would help in solving quick and easy problems

How to generate random string in PHP


How to generate random string in PHP Have you ever needed to generate a random password from a given set of chars in PHP? You could also probably wanted a password salt used for encrypting the user password. Well here are two solutions which I can think of at the moment to help you generate

How to get last key in an array in PHP


How to get last key in an array in PHP? Arrays can have lots of elements, some that may not be needed at one point. Let’s say that we need in some cases the last key or last element of an array in PHP, what would you do? A very good solution and clever practice

How to check if URL exists in PHP?


How to check if URL exists in PHP? Let’s say you want to check if an URL exists. You want to do that with PHP because that is what you know, and you want to perform some savings into the database if that URL exists. This can be done in various ways which will work

How to add element to array PHP


How to add element to array PHP If you are a programmer, you will need to work with arrays at some point, arrays are something referred to like a collection of elements. It is much easier to have an array with n number of elements, instead of having n number of variables. Problem Lets say

How to remove the last character in a string in PHP ?


How to remove the last character in a string in PHP ? You have a string, let’s say “1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,” that is generated in a loop, and you want to remove the last comma that is occurred on the last position of the string, to obtain a string like this: “1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8”. 1st solution


Using utf8_decode to correct diacritics words


Using utf8_decode to correct diacritics words I said in one my earlier articles that I’ve had to upgrade joomla 1.0 to joomla 3.2, not I’m not entirely sure at what point, but at the end, I’ve noticed that all my accent words were binary encoded in the database. This may or may not work in

How to search a string or array in another array in php


How to search a string or array in another array in php In this post snipped I will be showing you how to easily search for a string or an array directly in another array in php really fast and easy with step by step examples. Scenario We have the bellow array with our persons names:

For and foreach loop in php


For and foreach loop in php For and foreach loops are mostly used when working with arrays, but not only that of course. In my other examples, I created a simple snipped to show you the while loop in php, same example can be created with For loop. Scenario We have a small array and

How to create a while loop in PHP


How to create a while loop in PHP In this post snipped I’ll show you an easy way to create simple while loops and multiple or nested while loops. Scenario Create a counting script that stops once it reaches 10 and it also prints the count to the user once the execution has finished. Solution

Convert variable to string in PHP


Convert variable to string in PHP PHP is a loosely typed language and assigns types to variables depending what is assigned to it. Sometimes you will want to transform a given variable into a string format and obtain a similar output with “ToString()” method in Java or .NET. This could be done easily with one of the following

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