How to search a string or array in another array in php

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How to search a string or array in another array in php

In this post snipped I will be showing you how to easily search for a string or an array directly in another array in php really fast and easy with step by step examples.


We have the bellow array with our persons names:


The easiest solution to find a string in your little array is by using the core function in_array()


The output will be a simpler message in case the string “car” is found:

Scenario 2

Now what if we think about going a bit more advance, searching an array inside another array? We have the following array:

Right? A bit more advance than before. Lets say we want to do something in case we have an array match in our $main_array?


We will use the same core function, the usage is really the same, just the needle for what we are looking for will be actually an array than a string.


The above will search directly for the array in that exact form, the output in our little example will look like:

That’s about it, I think you got the idea of how to use this function in your projects. From here you can do some pretty advance things, although I really recommend making yourself a separate method for these searches. I’ll probably show you how to make something similar in one of our next post snipped.

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