Author Archives: Bogdan

Show different header title depending on page

php code

Show different header title depending on page I’ve used this options for different situation and it does work properly. I can use this to specify not only the specific header title, but also to include different style CSS or javascripts based on the specific page or whatever you need included for that page only. In

Social.png attack on Joomla, WordPress and Drupal

Social.png attack on Joomla, WordPress and Drupal I’m going to write now a rather different type of article, this led me to believe that some of our dear friends, users and whoever thinks he should be involved, are rather stupid people. Why I think that? Its easy enough and you will understand a bit later along this

PHP Parse file example

PHP Parse file example Today I’m going to show you a little example of how you can use PHP to parse a file. Well it really depends on the purpose you’re doing this for, but in all cases basically you need to open the file and read it line by line. There are a few

Show number of subscribers from Mailchimp

Mailchimp mascot

Show number of subscribers from Mailchimp Today I’ll try to show you how to get the number of subscribers from Mailchimp. I have been using Mailchimp with great success so far for 2 years now. Can’t really complain about them really. However in all honesty, I was looking today at my account and couldn’t find

How to send email using phpmailer

Install mail server

How to send email using phpmailer I have seen a lot of users having issues using their own hosting account to relay emails from the basic mail() function. I’m writing this to show you a way to send email using phpmailer library using a SMTP server like gmail or any other SMTP server. This library

Create a php encoding and decoding method

php encryption using php

Create a php encoding and decoding method In this article I’ll try to write a bit about how you can properly create an encoding and decoding method to allow you to pass information even in plain sight and be sure these are more secured. There are plenty of methods out there, and all are based

How to fix “Headers already sent” error in PHP

php logo

How to fix “Headers already sent” error in PHP Today I’ll try talking a little bit about what its called output_buffering from PHP. At least once in your life of codding you probably have seen this type of error “headers already set” from the php output, eg. Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already

How to dump variables in perl


How to dump variable in perl Have you guys ever needed to dump variables in perl and see its exact contents? I had and was really tricky. The print function is alright for printing scalar variables, but when you try to print a hash and maybe with multiple levels you start to have headaches trying

Read and write and delete a file in perl


Read and write and delete a file in perl In this article I’m going to try and show you some operation examples to read, write and delete a file in perl using a few methods, like the saying goes … There’s more ways to skin a cat … So yes, more ways to work on a file.

How to change wordpress multisite URL

wordpress logo

How to change WordPress Multisite URL I recently had a client that was trying to change WordPress Multisite URL to a new domain name, well for those that do not know already, WordPress usually hard code the URL inside the database, the table wp_options (wp_ being the table prefix of course). Right so why so

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