Author Archives: Andrei
Internet Explorer text-shadow with jQuery
Internet Explorer text-shadow with jQuery. Hi everyone. Today I will present you a solution to a common web development headache. We will learn how to generate text shadows with jquery and get rid of all the ugly Internet Explorer related css declarations for the same purpose. The old Internet Explorer problem. As we all know,
The ternary conditional operator
The ternary conditional operator In computer programming, ?: is a ternary operator that is part of the syntax for a basic conditional expression in several programming languages. It is commonly referred to as the conditional operator, inline if (iif), or ternary if. Important because… Every good developer knows that less code that do something is better than more code that do the
Html5 autocomplete
Datalist html5 autocomplete tag Last days we talked about the _renderItem method of the jQuery autocomplete, which was an advanced solution for creating complex autocomplete with images, lists and other things in it. The feedback that I received from the reading users was good, but something was missing still. People who wanted a basic autocomplete
Position relative on td table element ?
Position relative on td table element ? Back in the past when tables were fashionable when building websites, I had some problems with the following thing. I wanted to place a span in absolute position within a “<td>” that had position:relative. Everything was clear in my mind back then, you know…I give relative position to the