Monthly Archives: December 2013

How to strip spaces out of a string in perl


How to strip spaces out of a string in perl You have a variable string that may have blank spaces at the end of the string or at the start of the string and you need to remove these spaces so that you can make use properly of the value of that variable. Scenario

Programming jokes


Programming jokes A few months ago I wrote an article about funny comments encountered in different applications taken from the web. The holidays are coming so it is time to have more fun and relax a bit. Let’s spend some time on an article about programming jokes. These are all found over the internet, and

How to explode a string on upper case characters


How to explode a string on upper case characters Problem You have a string with the following value “thisStringMustBeSplittedAfterUpperCase” and you want to obtain every word separately in an array, splitted after upper case. Solution

Output The output of the $chunks array obtained with a var_dump($chunks) will be:

Solution in a function

Making a new cpanel plugin

Making a new cpanel plugin I’ve been really busy these last two weeks, have had some issues with some of my clients that were kinda abusing some of the server resources and have been diving my head a bit more into nginx webserver. In these last two weeks I have also managed to finally to

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